Protein Help to Maintain Healthy Bone

Loss of Bone Mass called Osteopenia Loss of Muscle Mass called Sarcopenia In the late 40s-50s, everyone is associated with two diseases Osteopenia (Loss of bone mass) and Sarcopenia (Loss of muscle mass) which are closely related to each other. Bone health is linked to musculoskeletal tissues that can be taken care of, by including

Nutritional Deficiency In Adults

What do you mean by nutrition? How to prevent nutritional deficiency Nutrition is a process to nourish the body by taking food, which includes foods like protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and using it for obtaining energy, growth, and repair of the body. The main five steps of nutrition in the human body

Hectic work schedule

Can Dietary Supplements help to Boost your Physical and Mental Health? It is very difficult for many of us to manage a perfectly balanced nutritional diet due to hectic work schedules. Studies have shown that merely 20% of people eat all essential nutrients during their work schedule even when people consume the best organic food.


IS PREBIOTIC SUPPLEMENTATION IS SAFE DURING PREGNANCY? During pregnancy, food and nutrition is something that everyone is the most careful about and this is a reason every healthcare practitioner advised to take a well balanced diet that keeps an expecting mother and baby healthy. But, always every pregnant woman is having a doubt in taking

Dietary Fiber

Boosts Your Immunity Dietary fiber is a group of compounds present in plants that can’t be broken by digestive enzymes. It is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. It has various health benefits like improving digestive health, lowering cholesterol levels, controlling blood sugar levels, and various more. It also improves our immunity and reduces

Veg A-Sure

Veg A-Sure

Veg A-Sure completely Vegan Protein Supplement which support the nutritional needs of the individuals. Benefits:- 1.Rich in high-quality vegan/plant protein. 2. It helps in the digestion and breakdown of foods and prevents bloating.  3. DHA helps in the growth and functioning of brain and Cholesterol free 4.Boosts immunity and provides strength.   5.CoQ10 may help



NS-Fiber is a premix of Probiotic (Insoluble) and Prebiotic (Soluble). Benefits:- 1. Contain High-Quality Soluble and Insoluble (Bacteria) fibers that improve Gut Health. 2. Contain essential vitamins and Minerals like C and B Complex. 3. Boost immunity and provide strength. Contains L-Glutamine which supports intestine FAQ What is importance of dietary fiber Dietary fiber maintains

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