Dietary Fiber
Boosts Your Immunity
Dietary fiber is a group of compounds present in plants that can’t be broken by digestive enzymes. It is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. It has various health benefits like improving digestive health, lowering cholesterol levels, controlling blood sugar levels, and various more. It also improves our immunity and reduces the risk of getting infected easily. It is categorized into the soluble and insoluble fiber.
Almost every dietary guideline in the world recommends dietary fiber because of its ability to improve immunity and gut health. Did you know that your gut contains around 70% of your immune cells? As a result, one of the most crucial areas to address when it comes to supporting and strengthening your immune health is your gut health.
As per the various researches, soluble fiber boosts the production of interleukin-4 that stimulates the body’s infection-fighting T-cells. Also, dietary fibers when fermented in the colon produce short-chain fatty acids that include butyric acid that supports digestive health, and give anti-inflammatory benefits. This is the reason; the immune system and digestive system are so interconnected that a weakened gut can make you more prone to illness.
Dietary fiber can help with your immune system and digestion by encouraging regular bowel movements and supplying “food” for the good bacteria in your gut. If you want to improve your gut and immune system, eat more fiber i.e. consume 25-30 grams of fiber per day on average.
You’ll be well on your way to maintaining your immune health and digestion, follow these suggestions and you’ll be far from diseases before it starts affecting your body. Take a fiber-rich diet that can lead you to a healthier lifestyle.