Health Benefits of Biotin B7

Biotin also known as B7 or vitamin H, water-soluble B-complex vitamin, helps the body to break down food into valuable energy. Biotin offers a variety of health benefits. maintain the health of the nervous system, liver, eyes, hair, and skin.

 Biotin plays a key role in hair growth due to its role in keratin synthesis. keratin is the main protein that makes up hair structure and contributes to strong, healthy hair.

Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency :

The possible biotin deficiency symptoms:

  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia

. skin and nail texture

  • Loss of appetite
  • Dry eyes
  • Fungal infections
  • rashes around the eye, nose, and mouth area
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Numbness

 Health benefits of biotin:

*Hair health: biotin improves hair health, hair thickness, and a healthy scalp for those who experience thinning hair.

*Diabetes management: biotin regulates blood sugar level, and manage symptoms of diabetes.

The B vitamin helps manage neurological symptoms of diabetes like neuropathy

(Dysfunction or Damage of a nerve).

*Improved skin and nail appearance: biotin helps to improve skin’s hydration and smoothness, and also strengthens nails helping them to grow faster.

The amount of biotin daily needed varies by age, gender, and medical condition. it ranges from 5mcg to 30mcg (RDA)

Source of biotin: what to eat as food for biotin-

*Egg yolks

* Peas, beans, lentils (legumes)

*Nuts and seeds (sunflower seed, almond)

*Sweet potato*Banana * yeast *avocados *mushroom * broccoli

 Albania Agathi leaves are the best source of biotin

 Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. That means it’s not stored in your body for long. Your body doesn’t naturally produce it,  however, the bacteria in your gut can produce biotin. These bacteria, also called intestinal flora, have a healthy impact on your health.

Consult with your doctor before you begin a biotin supplement .it’s Rarely, that biotinB7 can interact with other medications.


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