During pregnancy, food and nutrition is something that everyone is the most careful about and this is a reason every healthcare practitioner advised to take a well balanced diet that keeps an expecting mother and baby healthy. But, always every pregnant woman is having a doubt in taking prebiotics in their diet which is need to be answered.

So before answering the question, want to clear the concept of prebiotics. So, prebiotics are the compounds that induce the growth and activity of gut bacteria i.e. the food for probiotics. They are basically not digested and pass through our guts and ferment in the colon.

They basically protect mothers and babies from many health problems, also synthesize vitamins so they can be utilized properly, restrict harmful bacteria from spreading in the body, prevent infections, digest food effectively. Therefore, it is considered safe to take prebiotics in the food through natural food sources like onions, garlic, wheat bran, wheat flour, etc., or by supplementation during pregnancy.

Apart from these benefits, as per research prebiotic supplementation during pregnancy leads to the transmission of specific microbial and immune factors from the expecting mother to the baby, by allowing the establishment of tolerogenic immune that imprinting in the fetus and it’s beneficial for infant health outcomes. In fact, it is also said the prebiotics should become a prerequisite for any pregnant women because prebiotics feeds your gut bacteria that help you to digest your food correctly.

So, various researches show that prebiotics are totally safe to take during pregnancy, but it is always advised to consult your healthcare practitioner regarding the intake of supplements. Also, be careful and wise in planning your pregnancy diet while enjoying the healthy pregnancy.


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